河野裕麻 KAWANO Yuma
京都造形芸術大学 情報デザイン学科卒業。
新宿眼科画廊にて個展「美しい隣人」、グループ展 「感情未然」などに参加。

2011 第5回グラフィック1_WALL展ファイナリスト ガーディアン・ガーデン
2013 個展「美しい隣人」新宿眼科画廊
2014 グループ展「感情未然」新宿眼科画廊
2014 第11回グラフィック1_WALL展ファイナリスト ガーディアン・ガーデン
2015 クロダミサト・河野裕麻2人展「Melt the ice cream」ヴァニラ画廊
2019 個展「LONG LOVE LETTER-全てそこにあったものたち-」Gallery TOWED

Education Kyoto University of Art and Design, Information Design.
“Creation as a vehicle to understanding myself and communing with the outside world.”
Words are limited vehicles to express my emotions and ideas. It’s hard for me to navigate
“words” as a tool for expressing my emotions and intention. Instead of speaking, I started
drawing and find this optimizes the way I communicate–the flexible and infinite world of painting.
I can present anything, even those things well beyond words. By infusing emotions and intentions
in my art, I emote, pray, repel and accept the world.
I held a personal exhibition called “Beautiful neighbor”, and also participated in a group
exhibition called“Before feeling” at the famous Shinjuku Ganka Gallery.

2011 5th(GRAPHIC)Exhibition“1_WALL”Finalist) Guardian Garden
2013 Solo exhibition“Beautiful neighbor” Shinjuku Ganka Gallery
2014 Group exhibition“Before feeling” Shinjuku Ganka Gallery
2014 11th(GRAPHIC)Exhibition“1_WALL”Finalist) Guardian Garden
2015 KURODA Misato・YUMA Kwano exhibition“Melt the ice cream” Vanilla Gallery
2019 Solo exhibition“LONG LOVE LETTER-Everything is here.”Gallery TOWED

Contact mo1771_coyama*yahoo.co.jp *→@
Please sent your massage,anytime.

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